Why am I not receiving the verification code to download the Community app?

Are you located within the US?

The only reason our verification code doesn't trigger is when the phone number is not local. 

At this time, Seasoned is only available within the United States and you must be local to the job posting in order to apply as each position listed on Seasoned is posted for the hospitality community. That means interviews are likely held in person and the job requires physical, and immediate, attendance! 

Hopefully in the future we'll be able to expand outside the US, but right now, we're still a smaller company focused in the Texas region. 

If you are located outside the US, you're welcome to send our Support team an email and we'd be happy to unsubscribe your email as well as deactivate your account. 


Additionally, if you are local and have a US phone number and are still having trouble receiving the verification code, please send us an email with the steps you've taken and any screenshots you have and we'd be happy to work with you to troubleshoot!

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