Adding/ Editing Store Info to a Store Profile

Making changes to your store profile is super easy. Did you know that distance from home is the top search criteria used by Seasoned members when looking for a job? Adding your address is key!

From the Recruit App select:

  1. More in the bottom right hand corner (if you have multiple locations, ensure you're in the right one by double-checking the address at the top)
  2. Edit Store
  3. Store Info
  • Store Logo
    • Click the little pencil to upload/ remove your logo. 
    • Please ensure the shape of your image is a square. Your logo is the first image job seekers see so it's important to have a clear and good quality image.
  • Store Name
    • If your store is part of a chain, it's beneficial to include some identifying information in the name. 
  • Address, City, State, Zip
  • Phone Number
  • Website
  • Store Type
    • Job seekers can search jobs based on store type which will ensure you're finding the best matches for hiring.
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1 comment
  • I need to have a way to search jobs near me. I’m in Fort Worth, TX. I need a job near me. Seeing great jobs in California or Florida or Oregon helps me none. I also cannot help those places.

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