Interview Availability

Welcome to the new way to interview.

When you first sign into the Recruit app, you'll be prompted to add your interview availability. These are the recurring weekly times you are available to interview applicants. Applicants are then able to select a time that works for them which in turn expedites the interview scheduling process. 

Keep in mind: The interview isn't confirmed until you confirm it. 


You can chose the window of time you're available to interview, the days of the week, and the length of time you typically hold your interviews in (20 min, 30 min, or 1 hour). 

This will remain as your interview availability until you update it so you don't have to worry about setting it each day. Your interview time can be updated at any time. 

The default time is Monday-Friday 2-5pm. 


Why do some applicants appear without a date/ time? 

We display your jobs across a network of job boards. Some job boards do not support that functionality. To invite these applicants to interview, simply tap ‘Request Interview’ and they will be able to pick a date / time from your availability.

Is it possible to create multiple interview slots for different admins?

This is not a functionality we support currently but would love to hear why or when you'd use it - shoot us an email at!

Is it possible to customize different hours of the day for interview availability?

Not yet! Feel free to let us know you'd like this option and we'll be sure to nudge our product team about it. 

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  • Would like to be able to schedule different interview times for different days

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  • Yes I need to schedule an interview

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  • I’m trying to schedule an interview.

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